How to root Samsung GALAXY S3 (i9300)?

Small Medium Large2013/11/05 Tuesday 14:46 PM

How to root GALAXY S3? I believe this is the question that Samsung users are keen on discussing. Thus finding a perfect tool for this job becomes the priority. Android ROOT is just what you need to root your Samsung GALAXY S3.


Step 1: Find the desktop icon of Android ROOT and double-click to launch it.

Kingo Android ROOT

Step 2: Connect your GALAXY S3 to your computer via USB cable.

If it is the first time to connect, you may have to install device driver software. It should be done automatically. After successfully installing device driver software and enabling USB Debugging mode, your device should be well connected. And the interface will be shown as below.

Kingo Android ROOT

NOTE: Reading the notifications carefully before jumping into the ROOT process. And if you are still not sure, click here for further information.

Step 3: Click ROOT to start the process when you are ready.

Kingo Android ROOT

NOTE: It will normally take 3 to 5 minutes to complete. Once you started, do not move, touch, unplug USB cable, or perform any operation on your device anyhow!

Step 4: ROOT Succeeded! Click Finish to reboot your device.

Your device is now successfully rooted. And you need to click Finish to reboot it in order to make it more stable. Still, do not touch, move or unplug it until it reboots. Check your device and find out SuperSU icon, which is the mark of a successful ROOT.

Kingo Android ROOT

One thing about Kingo ROOT that worth your attention is that there is the REMOVE ROOT function built in, which means you may use it to remove ROOT from your GALAXY S3 with just one-click as well, clean and simple. Click to see how to remove root from GALAXY S3.